HSE Faculty of Chemistry Professor Wins Vyzov Prize
On December 9, 2024, the winners of the Vyzov Prize for Future Technologies were announced. Professor Leonid Fershtat from the Joint Department of Organic Chemistry with the RAS Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry was honoured in the ‘Future’ category for his advanced research on creating functional organic materials for multi-purpose use based on high-nitrogen molecular architectures.

Alexander Shokhin Awarded Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st Class
On December 12, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented state awards to outstanding citizens of Russia at the Kremlin. Alexander Shokhin, head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) and President of HSE University, was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st Class.

HSE University Named Online Education Leader in THE Rankings
HSE University has been awarded ‘Gold’ status in the Times Higher Education (THE) Online Learning Rankings 2024 alongside 10 other global universities. A new subset of the Times Higher Education World Rankings, the Online Learning Rankings (OLR) are focused on global universities that develop online education.

‘This Night Is One Minute Longer Than Other Nights of the Year’
Eating fruit, wearing traditional outfits, and surviving the Moscow cold: Prep Year students from Vietnam, Iran, and Ghana talk about the New Year traditions in their countries and their plans for the celebration in Russia.

‘Got Ideas? Come in!’: HSE Launches Centre for Transfer and Management of Socio-Economic Information
HSE University is completing the transformation of the Unified Archive of Economic and Social Data into the Centre for Transfer and Management of Socio-Economic Information. As part of this process, the HSE University Repository of Socio-Economic Information has already been launched. Vera Vishnyakova, Centre Director, spoke to the HSE News Service about these changes and how they will affect the university, scientists, and students.

A Dance Studio as a ‘Power Place’ for an International Student in Moscow
Liu Minglin, 22, from China, chose to study at ICEF in Moscow for two reasons: his Russian friends’ recommendations and the contents of the programme curriculum on the website. Now in his final year of the International Bachelor’s Programme in Economics and Finance at ICEF, Liu Minglin shares his impressions of living in Russia and studying at HSE University.

HSE and Integration Education Centre to Develop New Programmes for Agrobiotech Advancement
HSE University and ANO Integration plan to jointly develop projects aimed at creating new approaches to education and advancing innovative agrobiotechnologies. The parties signed the corresponding agreement at the XI Congress ‘Innovative Practice: Science Plus Business.’

HSE and Sechenov University Collaborate to Support the Pharmaceutical Industry in Advancing Innovations
Scientists from HSE and Sechenov University have developed a methodology for identifying priority areas and breakthrough technologies to drive the pharmaceutical industry's development. Their joint research, supported by Innopraktika, aims to pinpoint key scientific directions crucial for addressing diseases with significant medical and social impact in the future. An analysis of current and projected data revealed that lung cancer, breast cancer, and stomach cancer contribute the most to the medical, social, and economic burden on healthcare systems.

Sports, Creativity, and TV: Diverse Leisure Positively Impacts Psychological Well-Being
Life satisfaction is higher among those who engage in diverse leisure activities, researchers from HSE University have found. However, the specific types of activities people engage in are less important. The contribution of individual leisure activities to a sense of well-being accounts for no more than 2% of the variance. Only the diversity of leisure activities is significantly linked to overall life satisfaction and a sense of meaningful time usage.

‘Language Education Holds Lasting Value’
On December 5–6, HSE University hosted the 4th HSE LED Conference: Languages, Education, Development organised by their School of Foreign Languages. The conference was held in an online format and was dedicated to current trends in the development of modern linguistic and pedagogical knowledge. Over two days, more than 1,200 people took part.