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Illustration for news: ‘HSE Instructors Are the Kind of Specialists You Usually Only Dream of Meeting’

‘HSE Instructors Are the Kind of Specialists You Usually Only Dream of Meeting’

Anna-Marie Sargsyan not only graduated with honours from the Master’s programme Marketing Communications and Advertising in Modern Business but also went on to teach the course and later opened a business school in her native Armenia where she teaches future marketing professionals. In this interview with Success Builder, she explains why foreign students choose HSE University programmes, why a marketing professional always has an ‘ethnic’ aspect and how a business can find a common language with clients who have seen it all.

Illustration for news: ‘The Opportunity to Study at an International Level Has Played a Major Role in My Career’

‘The Opportunity to Study at an International Level Has Played a Major Role in My Career’

Anatoly Braverman graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the ICEF programme in 2006, received invaluable experience conducting deals at a major Russian oil company and personally witnessed the history of investments in the Russian economy by becoming one of the first employees of the RDIF in 2011. In this interview with Success Builder, Mr Braverman explains why international education is especially useful when working for the betterment of the Russian economy, the nature of ‘anti-virus’ investments and how the RDIF directed them towards the development of the Sputnik V vaccine, and much more.

Illustration for news: ‘The Academic Profession Is Such That It Takes a Lifetime to Grasp Fully’

‘The Academic Profession Is Such That It Takes a Lifetime to Grasp Fully’

Alexey Parakhonyak graduated from HSE in 2004 and now works as an associate professor at Lincoln College, Oxford. In this interview with Success Builder, Mr Parakhonyak explained why HSE attracted the best professors right from the start, how Erasmus University teaches its PhD students, how to win students’ hearts and what, besides the university, makes the city of Oxford interesting.

Illustration for news: Researchers Discuss How the Pandemic Is Changing Civic Activism

Researchers Discuss How the Pandemic Is Changing Civic Activism

In October, HSE University held the 10th Conference of Civil Society Researchers, organized by the Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector. The main topic of this anniversary forum was ‘The impact of the crisis on the development of the nonprofit sector and citizen self-organization in Russia: New realities and prospects’. The conference was co-organized by the Association "European University for Volunteering" (EUV) and the United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV), a long-time partner of the centre.

Illustration for news: Inequality and Social Cholesterol: How to Find Balance in Society

Inequality and Social Cholesterol: How to Find Balance in Society

What are the outcomes of growing inequality? How much inequality is there in Russian healthcare and education? What does Russian society think about inequality? (Spoiler: that it’s excessively high and unfair.) These questions and many others were discussed by Russian and French researchers at the conference ‘Socio-economic Inequality and Poverty in the Modern World: Measures, Dynamics, and Prospects in an Age of Uncertainty’.

Illustration for news: Two Contestants Correctly Guess All Three Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

Two Contestants Correctly Guess All Three Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

The two winners of the Andrej Bremzen competition to correctly predict all three awardees are Ivan Susin, a Research Assistant at the HSE International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics, and Maxim Ananyev, a researcher at the University of Melbourne. They both named David Card, Joshua Angrist, and Guido Imbens, and will now receive prizes from the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences.

Illustration for news: ‘A Good Chief Editor Is Constantly Learning New Things and Thinks of the Editorial Office as a Living Organism’

‘A Good Chief Editor Is Constantly Learning New Things and Thinks of the Editorial Office as a Living Organism’

Choosing a specific subject to major in at a university does not mean you will never become a ‘specialist with a broad profile’. Vladimir Todorov, graduate of the HSE Oriental Studies bachelor’s programme, once studied and worked in China, but has leveraged that international experience to build a successful career as a journalist and now works as chief editor of the Lenta.ru portal. In this interview with Success Builder, he explains how an ex-pat can earn a living in China, why HSE teaches students about the ‘living’ East and how to ‘retool’ from Sinologist to journalist.

Illustration for news: Stereotypes from Childhood: Why So Few Women Work in STEM

Stereotypes from Childhood: Why So Few Women Work in STEM

‘There’s no point in sending a girl to a maths school—unless it’s to find a smart husband.’ This is just one stereotype that must be combatted, explained Alexandra Skripchenko, Dean of the HSE Faculty of Mathematics, in a discussion held as part of Forbes Woman Day—an international forum on gender equality in business, politics, and society. Participants of the forum discussed the changing role of women in science, a field that still suffers from gender discrimination.

Illustration for news: Still-Life Puzzles and Scenes from the Family Archive: HSE Art and Design School Takes Part in Cosmoscow

Still-Life Puzzles and Scenes from the Family Archive: HSE Art and Design School Takes Part in Cosmoscow

The Cosmoscow International Contemporary Art Fair was held in September in the Central Manege. Six graduates and a student of the HSE Art and Design School presented their works at the event. Yulia Yusma, Director of HSE ART GALLERY supervised the projects.

Illustration for news: ‘By Participating in HSE Life, I Help Develop Russia’s Startup Community’

‘By Participating in HSE Life, I Help Develop Russia’s Startup Community’

Someone who has achieved global success does not customarily speak about their mistakes and frustrations. But it is impossible to have a successful business without failures because they point the way to the correct strategy. Andrey Zakharchenko, who holds a master’s degree from the Faculty of Management (now the HSE Graduate Business School) and is the founder and director of the Standard Trade logistics company, told Success Builder how his deepest crisis led him to success, the nature of trade relations with China and what helped his team achieve record indicators during the pandemic.