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Illustration for news: HSE Publishing House Fills Myasnitskaya’s ‘Schoolyard’ with Books

HSE Publishing House Fills Myasnitskaya’s ‘Schoolyard’ with Books

This year, about 30 Moscow publishers participated in HSE’s fifth annual Schoolyard Book Festival, which was held in the courtyard of 20 Myasnitskaya Street. How do you sell more than a thousand books in a day while still maintaining the festival’s traditional cozy atmosphere?

Illustration for news: ‘Entrepreneurs Are “Restless” People with a Particular Mindset’

‘Entrepreneurs Are “Restless” People with a Particular Mindset’

Faculty of Management graduate Roman Malov is the director and owner of the V.I. Chapaev Chuvash horse ranch and the Yadrinmoloko factory whose products we buy every day in Moscow stores. He told the portal’s news service how experience on the KVN comedy team has proven helpful in agricultural work, how he brings his master’s degree knowledge down to earth in the fields of Chuvashia, why he isn’t ashamed of running a ‘collective farm’ business and how he plans to elevate Russian horse breeding to the international level.

Illustration for news: HSE University and World Bank Discuss Joint Human Capital Development Projects

HSE University and World Bank Discuss Joint Human Capital Development Projects

On August 22, HSE University leadership met with Jaime Saavedra, Head of the World Bank's Education Global Practice.

Illustration for news: 'Your Environment Changes Your Perception of the Opportunities You Have'

'Your Environment Changes Your Perception of the Opportunities You Have'

Education is an ever-changing field. Which changes await it in the coming years? Why try to increase ‘awareness’? How does geometry help school-age minds? Polina Maltseva—who helped launch the Letovo International School project and is now creating a city from scratch for the Ascon Group—spoke about this and many other questions.

Illustration for news: 'My Job Is a Daily Example of International Relations in Miniature'

'My Job Is a Daily Example of International Relations in Miniature'

Understanding the finer points of international relations can be a valuable skill not only in service to the state, but also in business, where people of different cultures interact. In this issue of Success Builder, HSE graduate Konstantin Kaminsky, Deputy Director of Astons (London) explains how his activities as a student helped him enroll in business school, how to look for a job in London, and how to communicate on a daily basis with millionaires of all nationalities.

Illustration for news: 'I’ve Always Wanted to Be of Benefit to People and not Just Sell Them Something'

'I’ve Always Wanted to Be of Benefit to People and not Just Sell Them Something'

As businesspeople say: ‘If you’re doing what you really love, your business will succeed.’ This idea has guided SUP-club.ru founder and director Maria Smirnova. In an interview for Success Builder, she explained how people over 30 can overcome the fear of making life changes, how to make a customer happy in five minutes, where to go surfing in Moscow, and why it’s no longer shameful to be a political scientist.


place is the ranking held by the HSE University’s English-language website according to a study of university websites conducted by the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). The rating assessed the websites of 67 universities in Russia.

Illustration for news: HSE University and UN-Habitat Sign Collaboration Agreement

HSE University and UN-Habitat Sign Collaboration Agreement

HSE University and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme signed an agreement to conduct joint research on urban development. HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov and UN Under-Secretary-General Maimunah Mohd Sharif, who heads the UN-Habitat programme, signed the letter of intent at the recent Moscow Urban Forum, which was held on July 4-7 at Moscow’s Zaryadye Park.

Illustration for news: HSE University Joins Digital Archive Project of Silver Age Literature

HSE University Joins Digital Archive Project of Silver Age Literature

Autograph is a digital archive that grants researchers access to digitized manuscripts of Russian writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Until now, the manuscripts were only available in archives that are closed to researchers and the public and located in different cities and countries around the world.

Illustration for news: Digital Inequality a Key Challenge on the Road to the Digital Future

Digital Inequality a Key Challenge on the Road to the Digital Future

Along with personal computers, the digital economy originated in the 1980s and quickly began to evolve, with information and technology becoming a bigger and bigger determinant of a country’s economic growth. A new stage of this evolution is now upon us, with explosive technology and data transformation now becoming one of the decisive factors of production.